广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (1): 26-31.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6597.2017.01.005

• 法学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄丽娟1, 杨士民2   

  1. 1.广西君健律师事务所,广西桂林541001;
  • 收稿日期:2016-03-18 发布日期:2018-07-16
  • 作者简介:黄丽娟(1965- ),女,广西师范大学法学院客座教授,广西君健律师事务所主任;杨士民(1984- ),男,法学硕士,广西师范大学教师。

On Forbidding Fluidity Contract

HUANG Li-juan1, YANG Shi-min2   

  1. 1.Junjian Law Office, Guilin 541001;
    2.Vocational and Technical Normal College, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541001, China
  • Received:2016-03-18 Published:2018-07-16

摘要: 流质契约禁止的问题由来已久,应当认为以股权为抵押物的流质契约禁止属于法律上的管理性效力禁止。只要不存在违反《合同法》第52条规定的无效情形,应运用法学解释技巧将涉诉的股权流质契约解释为有效。为此,我们需要区分流质条款与主合同效力,不能因后者而否定主合同的效力;特别是在股权等权利流质的情况下,应灵活解释《物权法》、《合同法》、《担保法》等有关流质禁止的法条规定,得出股权流质协议有效的结论,而与传统的流质禁止相区别。

关键词: 股权, 流质, 权利质押, 合同的效力, 管理性禁止, 法律解释

Abstract: The forbiddance of fluidity contract has been a long-standing problem. It should be regarded that the forbiddance of fluidity contract pledged on shareholding belongs to the jural forbiddance of managerial validity. Within the framework of the 52nd item of the Contract Law, as long as the item is not violated, interpreting skills of law should be used to validate the fluidity contract pledged on shareholding that is involved in litigation. Therefore, fluidity item should be distinguished from the validity of the principal contract, the former of which can not be negated by the latter. Particularly, under the circumstance of some fluidity rights like shareholding, flexible interpreting should be made on laws and stipulations about forbidding fluidity including the Property Law, the Contract Law and the Guarantee Law, which can lead to a conclusion of the validity of the fluidity contract pledged on shareholding and differences made from the traditional forbiddance of fluidity.

Key words: shareholding, fluidity, pledge of right, validity of contract, managerial forbiddance, legal interpreting


  • D913
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