广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (6): 16-26.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6597.2018.06.002

• 珍稀文献研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 闽南师范大学闽南文化研究院,福建漳州363000
  • 收稿日期:2018-04-24 出版日期:2018-11-20 发布日期:2019-01-08
  • 作者简介:吴文文(1976-),男,江西省余江县人,闽南师范大学副教授,文学博士,研究方向:文字学、中国哲学。
  • 基金资助:

Study on Ideological System of Laozi’s Political Philosophy——Based on Collations and Explanations of First Chapter of Bamboo Slips in The Han Dynasty Lao Tse Shang Jing Collected by Peking University

WU Wen-wen   

  1. Minnan Cultural Research Institute,Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou 363000, China
  • Received:2018-04-24 Online:2018-11-20 Published:2019-01-08

摘要: 北大汉简《上经》第一章在全书首章地位的确立以及这一章的释读,对判定《老子》全书的主旨、对篇章演变的考察等,具有重要的参考意义。此章通过对“礼”的反思和对“忠信”的推崇,阐述的是理想的为政模式,这就进一步明确了《老子》一书以政治哲学为其主旨的性质。考察《老子》其他章节与此章的内在联系可以发现,这一主旨又蕴含超凡入圣的工夫论、虚静中反观自省的认识论等内容。在首章基础上考察《老子》全书可以得出结论:老子政治哲学体系以“虚无为本,因循为用”的清静无为思想为核心内容,呈现君民双主体结构。从君的角度看,执掌权位者的德行和责任必须相匹配。重视本心、以葆有蓬勃生机为基础的“德”的累积是其工夫论的两方面内容,并具备性命兼修的特征。从民的角度看,老子认为,百姓敦朴之德可以倚赖,这包含性善论的内在意蕴。老子政治哲学思想体系呈现层递式的包蕴结构,体现了比较严密的内在逻辑性。

关键词: 北大汉简, 《老子》, 政治哲学, 清静无为, 性命兼修, 思想体系

Abstract: The establishment of the position and interpretations of the first chapter of Shang Jing have an important reference significance to determine the theme of Lao Tse and research the evolution of the test. By analyzing the key words in the first chapter of Lao Tse Shang Jing from the new perspective of ancient Chinese Characters such as the explanation of grapheme and the semantic change, after studying on the main idea of this chapter, we can conclude that Lao Tse is about an ideal political model, which makes it clear that it advocates a governing way presenting the individual intrinsic nature and freedom, by reflecting “rite” and promoting “Loyalty and Faith”. Discussing the inner connection between this chapter and other chapters in Lao Tse, we can also find that Lao Tse established the political philosophy. Lao Zi’s political philosophy system centers on “quiet and inaction” and presents the double-subjects structure of king and people. From the perspective of the king, his power and responsibility should be matched, and he should attach great importance to conscience and the accumulation of his virtue, cultivate both his heart and vitality. From the perspective of the people, Lao Zi notes that the king can rely on the morality of his common people, which reflects on “the theory of good nature”. This ideological system of political philosophy presents the logical structure characterized by layer-by-layer inclusion like an onion.

Key words: the Han Dynasty bamboo slips collected by Peking University, Lao Zi, the first chapter, political philosophy, “quiet and inaction”, cultivating both his spirit and qi, ideological system


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