广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (3): 19-42.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6597.2020.03.003

• 政治、法律与社会 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国人民大学公共管理学院,北京100872
  • 收稿日期:2020-02-20 出版日期:2020-05-25 发布日期:2020-06-04
  • 作者简介:李文钊(1979—),男,湖北省天门人,中国人民大学教授,中国人民大学首都发展与战略研究院副院长,研究方向:治理理论,政府改革,制度分析理论与方法。
  • 基金资助:

Actor-centered Institutionalism: Exploring the Interaction Effect in Policy Process

LI Wen-zhao   

  1. School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Received:2020-02-20 Online:2020-05-25 Published:2020-06-04

摘要: 政策研究中的行动者中心制度主义是由德国学者弗里茨·沙普夫和雷娜特·迈因茨率先提出,并由弗里茨·沙普夫系统阐述而发展成为重要的政策过程理论。这一理论假设社会现实可以被解释为有目的行动者互动的结果,这些行动者包括个人、集体和公司行动者,他们之间互动在一个结构化环境中展开,并且互动结果是由他们所处的制度设置所塑造。公共政策的有效性和合法性,以及保证有效性和合法性得以产生的公共政策过程成为该研究关注的根本性问题。行动者、行动者集群、互动模式与制度成为这一框架和理论的要素,互动模式是其核心内容,存在单边行动、谈判协议、多数决策和等级命令等四种类型。行动者和制度有机结合,将会是制度理论的前沿方向。中国政策过程和治理过程将会为该理论的应用、检验及拓展提供更广阔的空间,在这一过程中我们也会形成理论发展的自觉。

关键词: 行动者中心制度主义, 政策过程, 行动者, 互动模式, 中国场景

Abstract: Actor-centered institutionalism in policy research was initially put forward by German scholars Fritz Sharpf and Renate Mayntz, and it was developed by Sharf into one important theory of policy process. This theory assumes that social reality can be interpreted as the result of interaction, carried out in a structured environment, of purposeful actors, including individuals, collective and corporate actors, and the interaction results are shaped by their institutional settings. The effectiveness and legitimacy of public policy, as well as the policy process of their guarantee have been the ultimate issues of this study. Actors, actor cluster, interaction mode, and system become the elements of this framework and theory, among which interaction mode is its core content, with four types: unilateral action, negotiation agreement, majority decision-making, and hierarchical order. The organic combination of actors and institutions will be the forward direction of institutional theory. China’s policy process and governance process will provide a broader space for the application, testing and expansion of the theory, and in this process we will form a sense of theoretical development.

Key words: actor-centered institutionalism, policy process, actors, interactive mode, Chinese context


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