广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (2): 28-39.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6597.2021.02.003

• 治理现代化研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘鹏, 钟晓   

  1. 中国人民大学公共管理学院,北京100872
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-17 发布日期:2021-03-29
  • 作者简介:刘鹏,中国人民大学公共管理学院教授、博士生导师;钟晓,中国人民大学公共管理学院博士研究生。
  • 基金资助:

Is Smart Supervision Really Smart? ——A Case Study on the Reform of Food Safety Supervision Conducted by Local Governments

LIU Peng, ZHONG Xiao   

  1. School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Received:2021-01-17 Published:2021-03-29

摘要: 随着科技的飞速发展,在现代化信息社会的背景下,传统的命令-控制型监管模式已经不能适应当前新业态的监管需要,亟需新的监管模式。跟此前的理解不同的是,智慧监管并不是简单意义上的传统监管+互联网技术,而是一种新型的监管理念与模式。智慧监管秉持“大监管”的监管理念,主张监管主体和手段的多元化,提倡运用不同的工具组合,以最少的干预、最低的成本实现监管者与被监管者的共赢。本研究梳理和厘清了智慧监管的起源和概念,创新性地提出了一个类型学分析框架,从“智(技术)”和“慧(合作)”两个范畴分析智慧监管,按照监管技术和监管合作的高低程度将监管实践划分为传统监管、技治监管、合治监管和智慧监管四种类型,并对典型的地方政府在食品安全领域中的智慧监管改革的案例进行了分类比较,得出了智慧监管改革实践中存在的差异,由此对推进智慧监管在我国的发展提出建议:应该依托互联网时代的信息技术发展红利,实现更加精细化、更具回应性和基于监管对象自身激励机制基础之上的新型监管,让监管方式真正实现既智且慧,从而有效提升智慧监管的效能。

关键词: 智慧监管, 食品安全监管, 技治监管, 合治监管

Abstract: A new supervision mode is urgently called upon as the traditional command-control mode can not meet the needs of the current new formats in the context of modern information society with rapid development of science and technology. Smart supervision, born at the right moment, is not a simple sense of traditional regulation plus Internet technology, a traditional view, but a new concept and mode as it adheres to the supervision concept of “macro supervision”, i.e. an advocacy to diversification of supervision subjects and means, and to a combination of different tools to achieve a win-win situation between the regulators and the regulated with the least intervention and the lowest cost. This paper, based on analyzing and clarifying the origin and concept of smart supervision, innovatively proposes a typological analysis framework, i.e. to analyze in terms of two categories of “Zhi (Technology)” and “Hui (cooperation)”-the two combined mean “Zhihui” (smart) in Chinese; the regulatory practice, in terms of the level of supervision technology and cooperation, is divided into four types: traditional, technical, cooperative and smart. A classification and comparison of the cases studies of smart supervision reform conducted by local governments in the field of food safety tells the differences in the practice of smart supervision reform, followed by some suggestions for promoting the development of smart supervision in China: we should rely on the information technology development dividend in the Internet era to achieve a new mode, more refined, more responsive and based on the incentive mechanism of regulatory objects, with an aim to make the mode truly intelligent, thus improving the efficiency of intelligent supervision.

Key words: smart supervision, food safety supervision, technical supervision, all-round supervision


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