广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (3): 43-51.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6597.2020.03.004

• 政治、法律与社会 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 东华大学马克思主义学院,上海201620
  • 收稿日期:2019-12-18 出版日期:2020-05-25 发布日期:2020-06-04
  • 作者简介:朱新山,东华大学马克思主义学院教授,法学博士,研究方向:三农问题。
  • 基金资助:

The Range of Migrant Workers’ Mobility, Regional Choice and the Addressing “issues concerning farmers” in China

ZHU Xin-shan   

  1. School of Marxism Studies, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2019-12-18 Online:2020-05-25 Published:2020-06-04

摘要: 长期以来,中国“农民问题”的困境表现为“没有发展的增长”,虽然农业总产出不断扩大,但农民的劳动生产率与人均收入全然无改进。中国“农民问题”破解的真正启动,始自改革开放,始自农民的务工流动。调查发现,今日中国农民非农就业现象十分普遍,外出务工的地域空间不断拓宽;从打工地点选择看,排在第一位的是就近县城与城镇,其次是二三线城市,另外,一线城市亦占一定比重。毫无疑问,城市的高收入对农民有强烈的(从土地上)拉出效应。与此同时,农业科技迅猛发展,对农民的土地挤出效应亦日益明显。不过,时下农民的非农就业亦有脆弱与不稳定的特点。因此,根据农民务工发展趋势及地域分布规律,应及时建立以县城与小城镇为重点的农业转移人口城镇吸纳机制,同时,加快农村土地的确权与流转进程,在农民出村务工与留村扩大土地规模经营之间形成良性循环。鉴于农村人口基数相当长时期内仍极为庞大的特殊国情,乡村振兴亦是中国特色现代化与“农民问题”破解的题中之义。

关键词: 务工流动, 地域选择, 农民问题

Abstract: For a long time, the “dilemma” of China’s “issues concerning farmers” was told as “growth without development”, i.e. the labor productivity and per capita income of farmers had not improved at all with a continuous increase of the total agricultural output. Real addressing such an issue started from the reform and opening up (since 1978), and from the migrant workers’ flow. Our survey tells: 1) the trend of more Chinese farmers’ getting employed in fields out of agriculture grows, and their regional choice is widening; 2) in terms of their choice of working place, the first choice lies in the counties and towns nearby, followed by the second and third tier cities, few first tier cities also on the list. There is no doubt that the high income of cities has a strong pull-out effect on farmers. Such a factor runs together with the rapid development of agricultural science and technology. However, farmers’ non-agricultural employment is also fragile and unstable. To cope with that, we should, on the one hand, establish the absorption mechanism with counties and small towns as the focus in time according to farmers’ employment trend and their regional distribution, and speed up the process of confirming and transferring the right of rural land so as to form a virtuous circle between farmers’ getting employed out of villages and their expanding land management in villages. The population base in rural areas has been still very large for a long time. In view of this, the rural revitalization is also the key to realize China’s modernization with Chinese characteristics, and to settle “issues concerning farmers” in China.

Key words: migrant workers’ flow, regional choice, issues concerning farmers


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