广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2023, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (1): 83-97.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6597.2023.01.008

• 传播治理 • 上一篇    下一篇


季乃礼1, 肖伟林2   

  1. 1.南开大学 周恩来政府管理学院,天津 300350;
    2.复旦大学 国际关系与公共事务学院,上海 200433
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-20 出版日期:2023-01-15 发布日期:2023-03-24
  • 作者简介:季乃礼(1970—),男,山东淄博人,南开大学周恩来政府管理学院教授、博士生导师,研究方向:政治心理学、政治传播学、中外政治学说史。
  • 基金资助:

How Does Media Contact Affect Political Trust? —An Empirical Study Based On the Survey of World Values

JI Nai-li1, XIAO Wei-lin2   

  1. 1. Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China;
    2. School of International Affairs and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
  • Received:2022-05-20 Online:2023-01-15 Published:2023-03-24

摘要: 政治信任关涉政治合法性和政策有效性的基础。运用世界价值观调查数据库,对媒体接触与政治信任的关系及其影响路径进行实证检验发现:中国人的政治信任既来源于制度绩效也来源于社会文化,二者通过传播媒介被整合进政治信任的发生机制;报纸、广播等传统媒体有利于维系政治信任,以互联网为代表的新兴媒体则可能造成政治信任流失;新兴媒体的侵蚀作用对传统媒体的涵化作用具有挤迫效应。基于“媒体接触—政治社会心理—政治信任”的分析框架,得出了与以前学者不同的结论:电视的作用总体上倾向于负面,作为中介变量的国家认同、政治兴趣、主观幸福感和生活满意度构成了媒体接触影响政治信任的中间机制。互联网时代培育政治信任亟需大众传媒提高自身公信力。

关键词: 政治信任, 媒体接触, 传统媒体, 新兴媒体, 互联网

Abstract: Political trust is related to political legitimacy and policy effectiveness. Based on the World Values Survey database, this paper makes an empirical test on the relationship between media contact and political trust. It is found that:1) Chinese political trust comes from both institutional performance and social culture, and both, through the media, are integrated into the occurrence mechanism of political trust; 2) newspapers and radio are conducive to maintaining political trust, while emerging media represented by the Internet may make the loss; 3) the erosion of emerging media has a crowding effect on the acculturation of traditional media. Different from previous studies, the paper finds that:1) the role of television tends to be negative on the whole; 2) national identity, political interest, subjective well-being and life satisfaction, as intermediary variables, constitute the intermediary mechanism of media contact affecting political trust. The cultivation of political trust in the Internet era requires the mass media to improve its credibility.

Key words: political trust, media contact, traditional media, new media, Internet


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