广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (6): 14-25.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6597.2022.06.002

• 治理现代化研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

基层治理中的基础性权力: 制度本质及其实现机制——基于城市管理执法的多案例研究

邵春霞1, 张照2   

  1. 1.同济大学政治与国际关系学院, 上海 200092;
    2.同济大学比较政治研究中心, 上海 200092
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-10 出版日期:2022-11-15 发布日期:2023-02-15
  • 作者简介:邵春霞, 同济大学政治与国际关系学院教授,政治学博士,研究方向:社区治理;张照,同济大学比较政治研究中心研究助理。
  • 基金资助:

Infrastructural Power in Primary-level Governance: Institutional Nature and Its Implementation Mechanisms —A Multi-case Study on Urban Management and Law Enforcement

SHAO Chun-xia1, ZHANG Zhao2   

  1. 1. School of Political Science and International Relations, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;
    2. Center for Comparative Political Studies, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
  • Received:2022-02-10 Online:2022-11-15 Published:2023-02-15

摘要: 城市管理中的执法规范化体现着执法能力的制度化,是国家治理能力现代化的内在要求。迈克尔·曼将国家基础性权力视为国家的制度性能力,它表明国家能够获取社会支持并通过既定制度来实施政策和协调社会,因而无需依赖专断性暴力实现国家意志。我国城市基层执法中的国家与社会互动实践表明,执法组织通过构建权威、引导合作、促进合法化、凝聚共识等多种机制促进国家与公众合作,使执法者以一种赢得社会支持与自愿服从的方式完成执法任务,从而塑造着基层治理中的基础性权力。但上述机制也分别受到政策变动、维稳思维、制度资源不足和利益冲突等多方面约束而难以保持长效,这些约束对基层国家的制度化治理能力形成挑战,因而可能抑制基础性权力的增长。长远来看,一个自主的理性化行政体系和一个共识的合作性社会,分别在科层维度和社会维度上为基础性权力的生长提供必要推动力。

关键词: 基础性权力, 制度性能力, 基层执法, 规范执法

Abstract: The standardization of law enforcement in urban management reflects the institutionalization of law enforcement capacity and is the inherent requirement of the modernization of national governance capacity. Michael Mann defines the infrastructural power as the institutional capacity of the state that enables the state to obtain social support, and implement policies and coordinate social life through the established system, without relying on arbitrary violence to achieve its will. China’s practice of interaction between the state and society in urban primary-level law enforcement shows that law enforcement organizations promote cooperation between the state and the public by such mechanisms as building authority, guiding cooperation, promoting legalization, building consensus, so that law enforcers can accomplish their tasks in a way that wins social support and voluntary obedience, thus shaping the infrastructural power in primary-level governance. However, the mechanisms are also constrained by policy changes, stability maintenance thinking, insufficient institutional resources and conflicts of interest, thus making a maintenance of its long-term effectiveness a tough mission. These constraints pose challenges to the institutional governance capacity of one state, and thus may inhibit the growth of its infrastructural power. In the long run, an independent and rational administrative system and a cooperative society of consensus will provide the necessary impetus for the growth of infrastructural power in the bureaucratic and social dimensions respectively.

Key words: infrastructural power, institutional capacities of state, law enforcement at the primary-level, standardized law enforcement


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