广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (4): 48-58.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6597.2022.04.005

• 治理现代化研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 同济大学 政治与国际关系学院,上海 200092
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-03 出版日期:2022-07-25 发布日期:2022-07-26
  • 作者简介:葛天任(1984—),男,同济大学政治与国际关系学院副教授,兼任同济大学城市交通研究院导师、清华大学中国应急管理研究基地特约研究员,研究方向:城市发展与治理、比较与国际政治经济。
  • 基金资助:

Urban Power Structure and Land Interests Redistribution: A Spatial Political Economy of Beijing Urban Renewal Projects in a Rapid Urbanization Era

GE Tian-ren   

  1. School of Political Science and International Relations, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
  • Received:2022-02-03 Online:2022-07-25 Published:2022-07-26

摘要: 基于快速城镇化时期北京城市更新的四个案例,以长时段观察的田野调查方法研究都市权力结构与土地利益分配,提出了一个关于中国土地利益分配结构变迁及其社会后果的空间政治经济学理论分析框架。增长联盟理论相对忽视了都市权力多元化趋势,而政体理论则未充分重视土地利益分配所嵌入的制度环境与国家治理结构。中央政府能够通过政策目标调整改变都市权力结构并进而改变土地利益分配的博弈机制,政策调整实际上塑造了四种典型的土地利益分配类型,四种类型的土地利益分配包容性逐渐增加,城市社会空间分化扩大趋势逐渐缓和。土地利益分配问题是快速城镇化时期社会矛盾凸显的政治经济根源,也是新时代公平导向的空间治理改革和政策调整的根源。

关键词: 权力结构, 北京, 城市更新, 空间政治, 增长联盟, 城市政体, 土地利益分配

Abstract: This paper, based on the four cases of Beijing urban renewal in rapid urbanization, studies the urban power structure and land interests distribution with the method of long-term observation, and puts forward a theoretical analysis framework of spatial political economy on the changes of China’s land interests distribution structure and its social consequences. The growth coalition theory relatively ignores the trend of urban power diversification, while the regime theory does not provide enough explanation on the institutional environment and national governance structure both embedded in the distribution of land interests. The central government, by adopting adjustment of policy objective, can restore the urban power structure, resulting in a change of the game mechanism of land interests distribution. In fact, policy adjustment has shaped four typical types of land interests distribution, and their inclusiveness has gradually increased, resulting in impeding the expansion of urban social space differentiation. The distribution of land interests is the political and economic root of social contradictions in the rapid urbanization, as well as the root of equity-oriented space governance reform and policy adjustment in the new era.

Key words: power structure, Beijing, urban renewal, spatial politics, growth coalition, urban regime, redistribution of land interests


  • D63-31
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