广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2023, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (5): 45-56.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6597.2023.05.005

• 治理现代化研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


董伟玮, 秦音   

  1. 吉林大学 行政学院,吉林 长春 130012
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-01 出版日期:2023-09-15 发布日期:2023-10-08
  • 作者简介:董伟玮(1988-),男,吉林大学行政学院副教授、博士生导师,公共管理系主任,研究方向:街头官僚与基层治理、公共行政理论与方法、中国政府与政治;秦音(1995-),女,吉林大学行政学院博士研究生。
  • 基金资助:

Primary-level Administration in Vertical Governance Structure: Structural Collapse, Action Splitting, and Coordinated Approaches

DONG Wei-wei, QIN Yin   

  1. School of Public Administration, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
  • Received:2023-05-01 Online:2023-09-15 Published:2023-10-08

摘要: 探讨执行问题很容易回避其在国家治理体系内部的结构根源,而将矛头集中指向身处国家治理终端的街头官僚。对纵向治理结构和街头官僚行动进行要素分析,进而审视这些要素之间的排列组合,发现街头官僚行动的系统环境是蕴含行政和政治双重维度且不断向基层坍缩的纵向治理结构,同时伴随着基层行政组织相对衰退的现象。结构内在的身份、执行和责任等维度的冲突使得街头官僚行动在情境中裂解,造成政治包裹行政、行政替换政治,行政挤出治理、治理依托行政的困境。重新定位纵向治理结构中的基层行政,使行动与结构彼此协调,需要理顺正式行政与半正式行政的关系、厘清层级间职能配置的政治制度逻辑、培育国家基础性权力的社会治理基础,真正为街头官僚行动既能满足上级期望又能回应社会需求提供坚实的结构性条件和制度化保障。

关键词: 基层行政, 纵向治理, 街头官僚, 政策执行, 一线行政人员

Abstract: An exploration of the issue of execution can easily avoid its structural roots within the national governance system. Instead, it always focuses on the street bureaucrats at the end of national governance. An analysis of the elements of vertical governance structure and street bureaucratic action, and a further examination of the arrangement and combination of these elements, reveal that the systematic environment of street bureaucratic action bears dual dimensions of administration and politics, a vertical structure that constantly collapses towards the primary-level, accompanied by the relative decline of primary-level administrative organizations. The conflicts in the dimensions of identity, execution, and responsibility within the structure lead to the fragmentation of street bureaucratic actions in the context, resulting in the dilemma of politics wrapping administration, administration replacing politics, administration squeezing out governance, and governance relying on administration. To reposition the primary-level administration in the vertical structure and coordinate actions and structures, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between formal and semi-formal administrations, clarify the political system logic of functional allocation between levels, and cultivate the social governance foundation of national fundamental power. This truly provides solid structural conditions and institutionalized guarantees for street bureaucratic actions to meet the expectations of superiors and respond to social needs.

Key words: primary-level administration, vertical governance, street bureaucrats, policy implementation, front-line administrative personnel

中图分类号:  D63

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